Je T’Aime En Lavande

Lavender Universe

Aromatic and Medicinal Plants

Natural Products and Care

Artisanal Soap 



At Zyra Lavande Bou­tique Arti­sa­vert you will first find an eco-res­pon­sible agri­cul­ture without pes­ti­cides or her­bi­cides, spe­cia­li­zed in the pro­duc­tion of aro­ma­tic laven­der and medi­ci­nal pro­per­ties in a calm and serene relaxing environment.

Dare to visit our lavender field, a place that will enchant you! 

Come and dis­co­ver, taste, sip, try, smell, see and buy qua­li­ty health pro­ducts, based on laven­der, aro­ma­tic and medi­ci­nal plants.

On site in our shop, you will find natu­ral, eco-res­pon­sible, vegan, hand­craf­ted pro­ducts as well as natu­ral gift ideas, zero waste and recy­cled craft materials.

Treat yourself to care based products from our essential oils distilled here in our home Huberdeau in the Laurentians Québec.