
Laven­der flo­wers are known to represent puri­ty, silence, devo­tion, sere­ni­ty, grace and calm.

Along with the mea­ning of the flo­wer, its purple color also comes with great sym­bo­lism. Purple is the color of royal­ty and speaks of ele­gance, sophis­ti­ca­tion and luxury.

The color purple is also asso­cia­ted with the crown cha­kra, which is the ener­gy cen­ter asso­cia­ted with higher pur­pose and spi­ri­tual connectedness.

Not only does laven­der smell ama­zing and is mes­me­ri­zin­gly ele­gant, it is the­ra­peu­tic and extre­me­ly versatile.

No won­der it was love at first sight for me!As well as the desire to want to share with you a zen place and my passion